SAP Authorizations Permissions with Maintenance Status Changed or Manual - SAP Corner

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Permissions with Maintenance Status Changed or Manual
Use Custom Permissions
For the ABAP stack, authorization profiles can be created either manually or by using the profile generator. However, the use of the profile generator is strongly recommended, since manual administration usually results in misconfigurations of authorizations. The profile generator guarantees that users only receive the authorizations assigned by their role. Concepts, processes and workflows must therefore be adapted to the use of the profile generator. There is no choice for the Java stack; here the J2EE authorization mechanism must be used. The User Management Engine offers options that go beyond the J2EE standard.

The SAP standard allows you to evaluate the statistical usage data via a standard function block. The call is made through the transaction SE37. Select here the function block SWNC_GET_WORKLOAD_STATISTIC. The function block is used to write the usage statistics to a temporary table, from which you can extract the data for further use.
Handle the default users and their initial passwords
When pasting permission field values from the Clipboard, the values are added to the existing entries. You must also separate the value intervals when inserting with the help of the tab stop. If permissions for the individual values do not exist for maintenance, they are rejected, i.e. not taken over. The Insert function from the Clipboard is also available in the dialogue box for maintaining the organisation levels. The Copy to Clipboard and Paste from Clipboard functions are not available if you maintain field values that allow only the selection of fixed values. For example, this is the case in the Activity field.

In principle, a technical 4-eyes principle must be implemented within the complete development or customizing and transport process. Without additional tools, this can only be achieved in the SAP standard by assigning appropriate authorizations within the transport landscape. Depending on the strategies used, only certain transport steps within the development system should be assigned to users. When using the SAP Solution Manager ("ChaRM") for transport control, for example, only the authorizations for releasing transport tasks should normally be assigned here. The complete processing of a transport in the development system consists of four steps: Creating and releasing a transport request (the actual transport container), creating and releasing a transport task (the authorization for individual users to attach objects to the respective transport request).

Authorizations can also be assigned via "Shortcut for SAP systems".

The missing authorization objects will be displayed in "red".

If you want to know more about SAP authorizations, visit the website

Remember that the BAPI_USER_CHANGE function block does not automatically unlock the user.
SAP Corner
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