RFC interfaces
Authorization roles (transaction PFCG)
SAP Note 1854561 provides a new possible value for the auth/authorisation_trace parameter: F (Trace enabled with filter). Allows you to limit the permission trace to values that can be set by the filter. The filters are defined in the STUSOBTRACE transaction (see SAP Note 1847663).
In the SU22 transaction, the developers of an application maintain the proposed values for all required authorization objects; the authorisation trace helps in this. As described in SAP Note 543164, the dynamic profile parameter auth/authorisation_trace of the trace is set to Y (active) or F (active with filter). By inserting the SAP Notes 1854561 or the relevant support package from SAP Note 1847663, it is possible to define a filter for this trace via the STUSOBTRACE transaction, which you can restrict by the type of application, authorization objects, or user criteria.
User group can be defined as required field
Typically, users access a table's data through applications rather than directly. If so, you should take precautions and restrict access to sensitive data. End users typically do not access table-level data directly, but the data is displayed in business applications and their display is restricted in context by means of entitlement checks. However, there are cases where generic access to tables via the SE16, SE16N, SM30, SM31 or SM34 transaction is required for administrators, key users, verifiers, etc. For example, a verifier should have read access to all customising tables. However, you do not want to display security-related tables. Key users should be able to access certain reports regularly, but only read information relevant to their work. There are several ways to restrict access to tables by using table tools. This means that users can only access tables or table contents that they want to see. However, we would like to point out that the granting of permissions for these tools in the production environment is considered to be critical to security, since it is very easy to allow access to large amounts of sensitive data in the case of erroneous or excessive permissions. Therefore, only apply these permissions in a restricted way.
You can also monitor security alerts from the Security Audit Log via the Alert Monitoring of your Computing Centre Management System (CCMS). The security warnings generated correspond to the audit classes of the events defined in the Security Audit Log. Many companies also have the requirement to present the events of the Security Audit Log in other applications. This requires evaluation by external programmes, which can be done via the XML Metadata Interchange (XMI) BAPIs. You must follow the XMI interface documentation to configure it. You can also use the RSAU_READ_AUDITLOG_ EXTERNAL sample programme as a template. A description of this programme can be found in SAP Note 539404.
With "Shortcut for SAP systems" you can automate the assignment of roles after a go-live.
We'll show you how to prevent that.
If you want to know more about SAP authorizations, visit the website www.sap-corner.de.
The application can be added to the role either as a permission proposal or as a menu item through the Add drop-down box.