SAP Authorizations SAP S/4HANA® migration audit - SAP Corner

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SAP S/4HANA® migration audit
Temporarily disable Central User Management
You can assign a Table or Care View to a table through the SE11 transaction or SE54 transaction. This mapping is defined as a customising setting and therefore remains in place after a release change. You can assign a table to a table permission group by using the SE11 transaction by selecting your table in the start image and pressing the Display button.

You want to create a permission concept for applications that use SAP HANA? Find out what you should consider in terms of technical basics and tools. As described in Tip 22, "Application Solutions for User Management in SAP HANA", there are different application scenarios where the permission assignment on the HANA database is required.
Security Automation for HR Authorizations
First and foremost, legal principles must be stated and specific reference must be made to authorizations that are critical to the law and that may not be assigned (or at most may be assigned to emergency users). An example is the authorization "Debugging with Replace", to which the object S_DEVELOP with the values ACTVT = 02 and OBJTYPE = DEBUG legitimizes and over which data can be manipulated by main memory change. However, this would violate § 239 of the German Commercial Code, the so-called "erasure prohibition".

You can find the evaluation methods in table T77AW. A valid evaluation method for our example is US_ACTGR. To assign the roles indirectly, the following requirements are required: Organisational management must be active, i.e. you must have defined an active plan variant in the client. To be able to use the employee-user connection in a SAPERP-HCM system, Info Type 0105 (Communication) and Subtype 0001 (User ID) must be maintained. To enable role management via organisational management, you must set the HR_ORG_ACTIVE switch in the PRGN_CUST table to YES in the Customising.

Secure your go-live additionally with "Shortcut for SAP systems". You can assign necessary SAP authorizations quickly and easily directly in the system.

With the support package named in SAP Note 1860162, the transaction SAIS_SEARCH_APPL is now delivered.

You can also find some useful tips from practice on the subject of SAP authorizations on the page

The SAP_ALL profile is still frequently used there instead of concrete roles.
SAP Corner
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