SAP Authorizations SAP systems: Control user authorizations with a concept - SAP Corner

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SAP systems: Control user authorizations with a concept
The object S_PROGRAM checks since SAP Release 2.x for the field TRDIR-SECU i.e. the authorization group of the program. As of Release 7.40, you can optionally switch on a check for the object S_PROGNAM. For more information, see note 2272827 for further instructions. The check on S_PROGNAM MUST first be activated in the customer system. Note, however, that they CORRECTLY authorize S_PROGNAM before doing so, otherwise NOBODY except emergency users will be able to start any report or report transaction after the SACF scenario is activated.

The customising objects you have just created are now integrated into your own IMG structure. To do this, open the SIMGH transaction again, call your structure in Change mode, and paste it under the previously created folder by selecting Action > Insert a Level Lower. You should already create a documentation of the same name with the installation of the Customising objects. To do this, select the Create button on the Document tab and write a text to save it and then activate it.
An SAP security check focuses in particular on the assignment of authorizations. This is what enables users to work with the SAP system in the first place, but it can, under certain circumstances, unintentionally add up to conflicts over the separation of functions or even legally critical authorizations. For this reason, tools for technical analysis must be used regularly to provide the status quo of authorization assignment and thus the basis for optimization.

Roles can be assigned to users directly through user management in the SU01 transaction, role maintenance in the PFCG transaction, or mass change of users in the SU10 transaction. However, if the employee changes his or her position in the company, the old roles must be removed and new roles assigned according to the new activities. Because PFCG roles are created to represent job descriptions, you can use organisational management to assign roles to users based on the post, job, etc.

With "Shortcut for SAP systems" you can automate the assignment of roles after a go-live.

Which roles are required, which role may call which SAP functions, and other conceptual issues are identical.

If you want to know more about SAP authorizations, visit the website

You can also choose between the User Lock-outs (Local Lock-outs) and User Unlock (Local Lock-outs) actions in this area.
SAP Corner
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