SAP Authorizations Testing Permission - SAP Corner

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Testing Permission
Audit Information System Cockpit
SAP authorizations are not exclusively an operational issue - they are also essential for risk management and compliance and represent one of the key audit topics for internal auditing and auditors. In most cases, the different rules according to which the risks of SAP authorizations are assessed are problematic.

The IF_IDENTITY interface of the CL_IDENTITY class provides various methods for maintaining the fields of the user master record. As a template for the implementation of the BAdIs, you can use the CL_EXM_IM_IDENTITY_SU01_CREATE implementation example, which automatically populates the SU01 transaction's surname, space number, phone, email address, user group, billing number, and cost centre fields. This example implementation does not provide an external data source; the user name is set as the last name and fixed values are used for the other fields. At this point, you must complete the implementation, depending on your requirements. There are several possible data sources for the user master data that you can access from the BAdI.
Checking at Program Level with AUTHORITY-CHECK
Do this once in your system. For example, you can jump from the MM50 transaction to the MM01 transaction without explicitly assigning transaction startup permission to the MM01 transaction through the S_TCODE authorization object. You can see this call in your System Trace for Permissions in the Additional Information column for testing. There you can see that the CALL TRANSACTION call has disabled the permission check. The user is allowed to jump into the transaction MM01, although in the role assigned to him Z_MATERIALSTAMMDATEN only permissions for the transactions MM03 and MM50 are recorded.

Until now, there were no ways to define different password rules or password change requirements for these users. Today, this is possible with the security guidelines that you assign to users and clients. In the following we will show you how to define security policies and how they work.

If you get into the situation that authorizations are required that were not considered in the role concept, "Shortcut for SAP systems" allows you to assign the complete authorization for the respective authorization object.

Over time, users of your SAP system have accumulated many roles in the user master set.

The website offers a lot of useful information about SAP authorizations.

Without additional tools, this can only be achieved in the SAP standard by assigning appropriate authorizations within the transport landscape.
SAP Corner
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