Use system recommendations to introduce security
Goal of an authorization concept
You have an organizational structure that includes 4 hierarchical levels - authority, department, unit, functional area). The authorization concept in your organization states that access (processing) to Records Management objects should be allowed for an employee only within his/her own organizational unit. However, the authorization check should only take place on three levels. So if a unit is subdivided into further functional areas, all employees of the unit and the functional areas should have the same authorizations. Since department 2 and department 3 work very closely together, employees of department 2 should be able to read all files, transactions and documents of department 3 and vice versa.
A careless handling of the permissions with sensitive employee data can go quite nicely in the pants. Prevent uncontrolled and extensive reporting access to your HCM data by properly using the P_ABAP authorization object. In many companies, the correct use of P_ABAP is not known. As a result, there are often false expressions that, in the worst case, allow uncontrolled reporting access to all data in the logical database PNPCE (or PNP). This way, you can again erase your access restrictions, which were previously painstakingly defined in a permission concept. Therefore, it is necessary to test the use of P_ABAP in individual cases and to use the existing limitations. In the following we describe the logic behind this authorization object and what it is important to avoid.
Define security policy for users
The user's access to this program is realized by assigning a role that contains the required transaction including the authorization objects to be checked. A role can contain a large number of authorization objects.
Applications use the ABAP statement AUTHORITY-CHECK in the source code of the program to check whether the user has the appropriate authorizations and whether these authorizations are defined appropriately, that is, whether the user administrator has assigned the values required by the programmer for the fields. In this way, you can also protect transactions that are indirectly accessed by other programs. AUTHORITY-CHECK searches the profiles specified in the user master record for authorizations for the authorization object specified in the AUTHORITY-CHECK statement. If one of the determined authorizations matches one of the specified values, the check was successful.
With "Shortcut for SAP systems" you can automate the assignment of roles after a go-live.
Use the RSUSR003 standard report (or RSUSR003 transaction) to validate the default users for initial passwords and ensure the security policies associated with those users.
If you want to know more about SAP authorizations, visit the website
One is the transactional tiles and the other is the native or analytical tiles :