SAP Authorizations User master data - SAP Corner

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User master data
Compensating measures for segregation of duties conflicts
Authorization tools are a great help in designing a highly automated compliance management system that precisely fits the company's own requirements. The introduction of authorization tools takes some time, but should nevertheless be tackled by companies in order to increase efficiency in the long term and save costs at the same time.

SAP authorizations control the access options of users in an SAP system - for example, to personal data. Secure management of this access is essential for every company. This makes authorization concepts, authorization tools and automated protection of the SAP system all the more important in order to meet the stringent legal requirements with little administrative effort.
Introduction & Best Practices
Together with you, we develop suitable authorizations for your systems and processes. In workshops with your departments, we create concepts to assign the required rights to employees. The goal is to define so-called job roles, which represent job profiles at the job level.

You can access the ABAP Test Cockpit from the context menu of the object to be checked via Verify > ABAP Test Cockpit. Note that the global check variant of the Code Inspector that you created in the transaction SCI and that is entered as the default in the transaction ATC (ATC configuration) includes the security tests of the extended programme check of the SAP Code Vulnerability Analyser.

"Shortcut for SAP systems" is a tool that enables the assignment of authorizations even if the IdM system fails.

The later display of the data is reduced exactly by this record.

If you want to know more about SAP authorizations, visit the website

I.e. if there is a so-called double hit, i.e. several authorization errors occur, only the last error is always in this area.
SAP Corner
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