SAP Authorizations Using eCATT to maintain roles - SAP Corner

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Using eCATT to maintain roles
Security Automation for HR Authorizations
If you want to set the table logger check for multiple tables, you should note that the principles for changing Dictionary objects apply, i.e. you will generate increased system loads in running systems. Therefore, you should make both the modification and the transport of the changes outside of business hours. The SAP system only provides customising tables for table logging by default; so you don't have to worry about performance. Tables that serve to customise typically contain relatively little data that is rarely changed. However, you should not turn on table logging for tables that are subject to mass changes, as there may be performance and disk space issues. This applies to tables with root or movement data. After all, if table logging is enabled, a log entry in the DBTABLOG table is generated for each change to the contents of a logged table.

The first line defines that access to all files is forbidden unless other settings have been made for them in the other lines. The asterisk (*) is in the first place here and in this case for all files and paths. If the asterisk is in a different position, it is interpreted as part of the file name, which is not allowed in Microsoft Windows, for example. In our example table, setting the switches FS_NOREAD = X and FS_NOWRITE = X for all paths prohibits reading and writing. This makes the table a white list. This is preferable to a black list for security reasons. SPTH, on the other hand, becomes a Black List if you remove the first line with PATH = * in our example or if you do not set any of the switches FS_NOREAD, FS_NOWRITE or FS_BRGRU. The second line with PATH = /tmp allows read and write access for all files starting with /tmp, similar to a permission value /tmp*, as an exception to the access ban defined in the first line for all files and paths. This setting is not limited to subdirectories, but includes, for example, all files whose name starts with /tmp-xy. The third line with PATH = /tmp/myfiles defines a permission group with FS_BRGRU = FILE, triggering the subsequent permission check on the S_PATH object. The SAVEFLAG = X switch defines that these files will be included in a backup procedure; however, this is not relevant for the permission award.
Immediate authorization check - SU53
The evaluation of the licence data via the ZBV with the report RSUSR_SYSINFO_LICENSE provides a result list with the following contents: Contractual User Type - This column contains the actual local user types from the ZBV subsidiary systems. Value in Central - This column contains the central user type from the ZBV that is stored for the respective subsidiary system to the user.

Authorization tools are a great help in designing a highly automated compliance management system that precisely fits the company's own requirements. The introduction of authorization tools takes some time, but should nevertheless be tackled by companies in order to increase efficiency in the long term and save costs at the same time.

For the assignment of existing roles, regular authorization workflows require a certain minimum of turnaround time, and not every approver is available at every go-live. With "Shortcut for SAP systems" you have options to assign urgently needed authorizations anyway and to additionally secure your go-live.

In our example, the role MODELING in the role SAPT04_CONTENT_ACTIVATION is included.

If you want to know more about SAP authorizations, visit the website

It often seems too complex and confusing.
SAP Corner
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